
What is Erin Essex at work all about?


“Ok but what else are you doing?”

Great question, here is a list of some of the items Im doing outside of work on a regular basis.


I participate in mentorship with 2 organizations but also at the office and though normal networking.


Ive participated in several company sponsored hackathons at Shutterstock. Videos from those projects can be seen below. Outside of that I have also volunteered as a judge at the Tech Together hackathon in Boston in 2019.


I love spending time volunteering in the community for nature causes. The main 2 groups I volunteer with is the Billion Oyster Project and the New York Parks and Rec stewardship program.


I also organize roundtable discussions at my current workplace. These roundtables work to create safe spaces for people to discuss personal topics that are happing at work and in life. Our first 2 discussions were emotional, engaging, and educational. Our next session will open up to the 3 collective ERGs at the Shutterstock office in order to create even more inclusion of often marginalized groups.

Everything else

And there is more. All my projects, stories, and fun side activities can be seen on my YouTube channel, my blog, and Instagram.