

Rashad Jennings, of the Oakland Raiders, needed a logo for his premiere youth football camp.  The camp excelled in taking at risk youth and giving them a positive outlet through athleticism and mentorship.

This logo comp was meant to appeal to all age groups and not look as if its football only, more on the idea of the "turn around" idea of the 180 degrees.

Vincent Lecavalier
Player and Foundation sites

This site posed a unique challenge, how do you get across 2 messages at the same time, Vincent Lecavalier the player and Vincent Lecavalier the philanthropist.  Once you interact with this site you get that message.  From the landing page you are posed with a question, do i wan to go and see the player site or the philanthropist site.  Once on either site you will see a faint silhouette on the edges, on hover of these you will be shown the opposite site than the one you are on, allowing the user to toggle between both sites. 

This site will be fully responsive soon.  We launched the desktop site that also works on ipad and the
mobile portion will be ready later in spring 2014.  Site features sticky dynamic nav on the desktop version
and will feature a drawer style menu on the mobile version.

I worked as creative lead on this build with my designer Earnest Gonzales.

View live site at