
What is Erin Essex at work all about?


Hey there!

Im Erin, lover of tech, great UX, strategy, and consultant for digital products. I pride myself on working hard to find the best solution to any UX or strategy problem no matter what the project.

Ive worked on everything from the complex (geospacial, aviation, AR) to the every day (ecommerce, iOS and Android apps, and websites).

I currently work on the Google Ads team specializing in automation.
Wanna chat? Hit me up.

Some of my favorite videos I've made

What I'm Reading Now

Algorithms of Oppression: how search engines reinforce racism

This book is OFTEN sited in talks about technology (sited 3x when I was at the Future of Everything conference in 2019).

So far this book is very eye opening on the responsibility that is involved in making technology.


Finished books I'd recommend 

Technically Wrong, Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms, and Other Threats of Toxic Tech

Read this as a part of our product book club at Shutterstock this past February (2019). Super thought provoking, some items triggered me other items had me think, dang I didn’t think of that. Great read for anyone in product or product design.

Talk Like Ted is an excellent read for anyone looking to convey ideas in a better way. There are tips and examples in this book that can make not only your presentations better but overall story telling and communication. I throughly enjoyed this book

After reading Amy Webb's book below I became more interested in the history of Nintendo and how their struggles and successes along the way. This book has been fun for me to read and reminisce about the games of my youth. Super Mario, how Nintendo conquered America is a great book for any entrepreneur.


I first heard Amy Webb on a podcast called This Week in Tech (TWiT) and I became more curious what a futurist is and how they work. Her book, The Signals Are Talking was a fascinating look at how people have looked to the fringes of technology to help their products thrive.

Leaders Eat Last came to me in a list by one of my favorite medium writers Todd Brison. I downloaded it right away. So far its right up my ally, I find myself nodding constantly with this book.

Ready Player One I have read twice now. I typically dont "do" fiction but this one is just so fun! If you are into sifi, adystopian future, a world of VR, and classic arcade games get this book.

How to Win Friends and Influence People is an old book, no doubt, but the tips in here are still relevant today. This book has helped me take the time to learn and understand people better. It has made me a better communicator and team member.


Unstoppable, by our favorite "science guy" Bill Nye, is such a fun and easy read. It takes concepts and gives you easy ways to understand and talk about them in your own circles. I just loved hearing Nye's first hand retelling of going to the south pole to see and measure trapped air the core samples. Just fascinating.
He spends perhaps too much time talking about competing with his friend Ed Begley Jr, but I like him too so ill let it slide. Side bar, have you seen Ed in Future Man yet? OMG go now and watch it, its an entertaining show.

I recently retired my “clients” page but all the great clients and companies can still be seen on that page. In addition you can view my older projects on my archive page.

WANT MORE? Check out my blog, my YouTube channel, and my podcast (now retired but still good content)!